Tuesday 29 April 2014


One company in particular that performs very well on digital media is Redbull. As Redbull is often identified as a youth energetic brand so a strong digital media presence is vital to win youth customers over with 100% of the younger generation have been on the internet in their lifetime. With their heavy sponsorship of many sporting events it lead them to create an advertisement that included both these elements and achieved 19 million views. This was passed around social media as less of an advertisement but more of a 'cool' video that seemed less the company trying to force its brand and energetic reputation on people but rather making them do it themselves. In January alone last year Redbull's Youtube channel achieved an extra 250,000 subscriber's. They are usually considered one of the best if not the best at online campaigns, especially when it comes to online videos with around 7 videos a week posted. Another event that gained Redbull a huge amount of exposure was the Felix Baumgartner world record free-fall. This was seen all over the world with a large amount of news coverage that furthered Redbull's reputation in digital media.

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